Review 4/14/2009
SEPARATE YOUR ISSUES. COMPARTMENTALIZE. When quoting negative reviews or Bar Info, please consider the RELEVANT data. The reprimands from the State Bar has NOTHING to do with Feldman's ability to do Loan Mods. Failure to pay Bar Dues on time does not make one a bad lawyer. BTW, over 25% of Bar Dues are late, every single year. You'd be upset if people consider you a Bad Person if you were late on your car payment -- or mortgage!!
You all know someone who runs a good company but is a bad father. Many good businessmen are terrible parents. Many lawyers are bad businessmen/organizer, and so on.
One has nothing to do with the other.
I called this Feldman Law Ctr for a consultation and decided not to go with them, after research. But let's all be smart consumers and research with our heads more than our hearts/emotion.