Review 2/22/2010
Luckily paid w/ a credit card for these bogus services. They pushed for all cash up front, guarented results. It took several months to get anything going. Was told to stop making mortgage payments to make my case look better. This practice made me feel even more unsure and in less control. I was concerned about this, it makes it easier for them to get the cash up front. I was in desperate need and they sensed it. Follow your gut instinct, work w/ your mortgage co. on your own. I ended up having to re-submit paperwork on several occassions. I did call some of their "satisfied customers" and they were hesitant to give me any positives concerning their situation. They said they would provide information about whom they were speaking w/ at my mortgage and did not, said information was being forwarded and it was not. I documented several times the fact that my mortgage co. had not had contact up until a certain date. Honestly I feel they are attempting to possibly purchase homes tehy have or may be forcing into foreclosure, to turn and make even more cash.