Review 1/5/2011
First of all, this other lady is CRAZY and apparently bitter. I would be too, here is here picture.
Powder Blue and it's front woman Chalene Johnson are amazing! They have changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. It's not just TurboKick DVD's. It's a way of life and she truly cares about each and every person. Check out here new site where she focuses more on life changing advice and motiation to be the best that you can be. http://www.chalenejohnson.com and her new carsmart program!
It's amazing! And if the previous reviewer listened to even one volume and realized that her negative energy is probably the biggest problem in her life, she'd get off the computer, put down the bon bons and get her ass in a gym to loose some weight and do something productive with her life.
TurboKick and PiYo have helped me change my life and loose weight and get fit physically. Now, with Car Smart, Chalene is helping me change my life and get MENTALLY fit.
There is no soft porn, no trafficing of people, and Shakeology has nothing to do with Powder Blue or Chalene Johnson, it's a Beach Body product. So, get your facts straight fatty.
Check it out!