Business's response - by Platinum P.on 3/28/2011
Hi Shannon.
We apologize for any confusion, but we do indeed have agreements through the Yacht Clubs via the General Managers. If you call the front desk of a club they usually do not know about our agreement with the General Manager. The magazines are sent directly to the clubs (Not the members) The clubs then place the magazines throughout the clubs in high traffic areas throughout the year. The Yachting magazine is one of our newer publications and this is often the first time we will be distributing to these Yacht Clubs. The reason why the front desk had not heard of the magazine when you called is
because we had not yet closed that edition and were still filling advertising spots and
they had not received the magazines yet .
We hope this covers all of your concerns relating to our company and its publications.
Please feel free to call us directly to go over any issues you may have and ask to speak with a manager 877-266-1060. Thank You, Platinum Publishing