Review 6/2/2009
Apparently this company has gone out of business.
Call the Topanga Police Station to file a complaint: 818-756-4800, wait for a live person to pick up (1-2 minutes wait), do not select any buttons. They will suggest you call your credit card company to get reimbursed for failure to deliver products, but if enough people complain maybe then they will get involved. IF your order was for $500 or more, it is grand theft and they will take your complaint. Ask them to do it over the phone.
Do as the person before me says, file a complaint with the attorney generals office: http://ag.ca.gov/contact/complaint_form.php?cmplt=CL
File a complaint with the Better Business Bureau at: http://www.la.bbb.org/ComplaintInformation.aspx
Picket in front of their business.
Good luck - I hope you get your money back!!