Failed custom garage and horror to customers
Superior scammer and con artist. Spend 5 minutes with him and you'll see. Steals parts, steals money, steals dignity, and will say it's all your fault while doing it. Don't give him your car, don't give him your name. Keep him at a distance and be on alert. This guy goes by 5 different names. He moves with the wind and tries to disappear from his victims. There are a plethora of people he's run a con on. If you see him, make sure you protect yourself. He is a loose cannon and will try and show you his might. He runs the kind of con you see on TV and ask yourself, "How are people so stupid to trust him"? Trust your instincts, your intuition is right.
Hollywood Rat Rodz skipped town from Hollywood after eviction and later was evicted from Saint Cloud, FL. He runs eBay and Craigslist scams all day. Sean has no standards of quality when working. Ask him if he is licensed and insured, ask for the proof. Don't even trust his proof, investigate the information he gives you and make a judgement call for yourself.
My car sustained severe damage and he has done nothing to express any concern or has done any repairs. My car was worse off in his care than when it arrived. I'm not the only one this has happened to.
He will coerce you into paying for a portion of your project upfront, then put that money you paid him into some other money pit project that has nothing to do with yours. If you ever expressed your dissatisfaction, he would be unable to refund your money and find ways to weasel out of returning your money or vehicle.
He is well aware of ways around the law, and feels the law doesn't apply to him. He will use that to his advantage over you, and leave you helpless. He is a bully, and a narcissist. He uses people and treats them as his prey. Anyone who worked for him is vulnerable to his prowl. He angers his workers and mistreats them. He publicly shames them.
This company no longer exists, so this is pointless even writing but maybe the right person will see it when searching for Sean Richard Hill AKA Sean Patrick Kennedy Hill AKA Richard H Hill
If he claims to have worked on a famous movie car, verify the story.