Kevin G.'s review of Gala-Net


Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 3/12/2010
. 1
. 0
Review 3/12/2010
Here is what happened to me with this company and how much of an issue it has been for me; the issue is still unresolved.

* I wanted to make a quick note about Nick B.'s review. I sent him this message a long time ago since it says he live in california where this company is located. I said "Since you live in california I assume you work for gala-net or associates? This would explain the solid and confusing review you wrote about the company.". He of course did not respond and doesn't have any other reviews or activity on his profile.

As an overview.
I lost about $1500. You can email me if you want me to show you documented proof at

I had an item stolen that was worth a lot of money to me in the first place and the fact that I tried to get it back so desperatly led the company to banning my account for something I never actually did (they changed one of my names to a racist slur and did not even notify me that I was banned). Thats where the $1500 comes in. Since I lost my account I lost everything else I had accrued over the years. Through my persistancy (because I had documented proof that my item was stolen (and still have it if you want me to show you)) I lost all of this.

The game I played was Corum Online and it is now terminated due to failure to renew the contract with the original owners of the game. They had promised to compensate for all the players that spent moeny (guarenteed to be well over tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars) but no compensation has come out.

The crazy thing about this company is it's not the only one like it. Hundreds of foreign gaming companies are coming up with these cheap little games that get players hooked by making it impossible to win. Once they get the players hooked they implement a cash shop and make a killing off of it. Those that realize it's better to just play for free and complain about how hard it is are lucky! These gaming companies catch the younger crowd that know nothing about how much of a scam it is. The companies set-up a user freindly site (This company being a prime example!) that looks completely safe so that younger kids, that are hooked and bent on winning, are comfortable with spending $50 a month and not even realizeing it. The worst part is that these site now have options to "let your parents pay for it", explaining to the unkowing kids how to use their parents credit cards!. I just saw today the worst of it. SMS texting to pay for their online games!
It has to be illegal. Another thing is the organizations that run these all seem to be working together. Through my investigations of this particular company I came across a bunch of phony companies with the same IP adresses all linked to either United States host servers or foreign servers. You can't even get close to them because they are behind walls of proxies and dead ends that lead you nowhere except to a 13 digit korean phone number in sol that doesn't go though. I once spoke breifly with the "CEO" Jihkan Jung (heres his facebook!/jikhan.jung?ref=ts) and he hung up with me frantically when he realized I was a player saying to me " I...I...I cannot talk, I am in a meeting!". My attempts to contact these companies are futile at best and I hope to *** that someone can stop them. In my eyes what they do is very illegal.

Here is my story...

The emails (refers to below) contain a report of an item hacked off an account I created for a game called Corum Online. Corum Online is run by Gpotato Gaming Portal which is run by Gala-Net Inc. In the game there are items called guardians, the item hacked from my account, that act as separate entities from the main character that you fight as in the game. The guardian can be the most coveted item in the game and a lot of people attempt to steal them from players. Since these items tend to be stolen often, the company has made rules about the way they should handle such cases.
I was denied the right to have my case reviewed because Gpotato claims I have been sharing my account information. In their forums they have rules that say they will not deal with cases that have shown account sharing in their database. Account sharing is the act of giving your information to other individuals so that they may benefit from what you have on your own account. They do not deal with people that share because the individuals may not know each other and one may be attempting to compromise the others account. So the company does not hold themselves liable for the information you give out and according to them giving out your information is not against the rules; it is the players sole responsibility to keep their information confidential.
On the forums of the company website, under rules, they explain how the terms of service spell out how account sharing is dealt with. After reviewing these terms of service I found no clear indication of account sharing related to items being stolen. Aside from that fact, I never shared my information; I have explained this to Gpotato below (in the emails). They should have taken consideration to what I had to say better. My emails below are not the best I have ever composed; attempting to articulate what occured in a professional manner was difficult at first. Part of the reason was that I did not have all the information to surely say I was hacked or what this companies true intentions were. In the end I still do not know for sure how the other player accuired my guardian but I do know that he used information about a very close real life freind of mine. The player had found out that I would occasionally play at my friends house and that the server logs would show me logging into my account at this adress. He used this information to get away with that he was doing by exploiting a loop-hole in the terms of service for this company. The one where the company will not deal with players that "dual log" in this case since he found out we logged under the same ip, the "hacker" proceeded to obtain our account information and get away with the endeavor entirely. The hacker made it look like Bigeefry gave away my guardian, essentially framing him. In the companies records it will show that the guardian was traded from my account to a character named queen (in both our freinds lists), from queen to Bigeefry, and from Bigeefry to the hackers account Hakkpriest (again an attempt to make it look like a typical account sharing case). Along with the evidence of screenshots, the player support from the game, and the report I filed to the bbb one might think my items would simply be returned, but they were not. For some reason the company avoided many of my questions and requests in the situation. They also replied to the main points of the incident a lot slower than others. Most of their replies were Vague to say the least. Eventually I suppose they became irritated with my emails and told me if I continued to email I may be banned for reasons also not found in the terms of service. Banning is termination of the user account. When I later learned that a player mitsuomi had my guardian and he would give it back, I delayed contacting them further thinking that I would not have to deal with Gpotato again. The character mitsuomi had given away the guardian to other characters and would not give it back so I sent in a final report. I explained how it was new information that would prove I was hacked. For no apparent reason and with no notification from the company my account was then banned. When I asked them what had happened they claimed there was a data issue and that it should be resolved with the reactivation of my account soon. The account is still banned (as of forever now that the game is shut-down)(this all started in febuary of 2009). Further investigation of the company leads me to a dead end. The ip of the website is a hosting service, the servers of the games are not anywhere on the web and the company location they claim seems to not exist. The only way to contact them at the moment is through email. This whole thing is a huge problem since I have spent over $1500 on their online shop. I would have to contact my bank to figure the exact amount. On top of this I am not the only one who has been so apparently duped. Speaking with other players I have learned of many instances just like mine.

Note: In the following emails my first thoughts were that my computer itself was hacked but in the end I found that it was not. Also, it can get lengthy; I am just providing this for your consideration.

From: Kevin ***** (
Sun 3/01/09 7:19 PM
I want to report on my guardian being stolen. My account is Regenc and the character the guardian was on was Hakk. The guardian’s skills were 25 ls 25 kc. It is a level 199 ballah. The expiration date was last seen as 07/10/09 at 10:15 am. Unfortunately I do not have any current screenshots of the guardian alive. I do have screenshots of the trade of the guardian as well as the terms of the trade with ondskapt. The character last seen holding the guardian was Hakkpriest. I do not have a priest on my account. Today at approximately 6:20 PM EST my friend Bigeefry had called me on the phone saying that there was a character named Hakkpriest showing him the guardian and asking for his +10 set; at the same time claiming it was me. I logged on and took screenshots of the character; he refused to show the guardian again after I walked over; shortly after he logged off. Bigeefry was telling me that Hakkpriest new personal information about Bigeefry. He had told Bigeefry that he knew his age to be 24. This was interesting because I had lied to ondskapt, and only said to ondskapt, that bigeefry's real age and name was 24, James. I would not want other players to know his personal information; I do not know him well enough to be sure he would want others knowing his personal information. My friend Bigeefry is one I know in real life. He has been at my house to play Corum before, but I do not know any of his account information nor does he know mine. Therefore it is impossible for anyone else to know my password. I am a very active member in Corum. I have spent over $800 on your company’s game. $100 at least towards the guardian itself. I hope the monetary value of the guardian explains the seriousness of the situation. Please resolve the issue as soon as possible.

I am attaching the screenshots I had taken as well as the screenshots from today’s ordeal.
-Regenc (Hakk)

From: Kevin ***** (
Sun 3/01/09 7:53 PM
I have just received information from characters on the Dragon guild from Bigeefry that a character by the name of Numberone was trying to sell the guardian. They also believe the character is associated with ondskapt. I am attaching a screenshot of a dragon member attempting to "buy" the guardian to get a screenshot. Also one member of dragon is sending a screenshot of a trade they were able to pull up with Numberone, to Bigeefry. I have asked him to then forward this screenshot to the staff. I am also attaching a screenshot of my conversation with Bigeefry.

From: Kevin ***** (
Sun 3/01/09 8:13 PM
I have received more information on the guardian Ballah. The character by the name of asdqwasdxcqw had pmed me asking if I wanted to buy the guardian. I am attaching screenshots of the full conversation including a shot of the guardian in a trade menu.


From: Kevin ***** (
Sun 3/01/09 9:14 PM
The character asdqwasdxcqw has sold the guardian to the character excellence of yakuza... His intensions are to return it to its rightful owner. I have information from Decadency of the dragon guild that he intends to give the guardian to Queen who will then give the guardian to Bigeefry and Bigeefry may return the guardian to me. I will wait to see what the staff at Gpotato wants to do before I accept the guardian to make sure that I am not doing anything against the rules. I have screen shots of Excellence with the guardian.

Regenc (Hakk)

From: Kevin ***** (
Mon 3/02/09 2:10 PM
I want to make sure that the situation is being handled about my guardian. At least if you have made a decision. Maybe that you have found some reason to not return my guardian and if so why? Please let me know as soon as possible. If I have no reply my intensions are to bring the case to legal attention for the simple reason that money was used to make the guardian stronger. And if I wasn’t clear before with the trade, were the guardian first came into my possession, there was no money involved in the trade. The terms of the trade were very clear. 2 billion karz. Again please respond.


Mon 3/02/09 2:21 PM
Hello User,

Thank you for your report. We will investigate and take appropriate action. Please be aware that users may not be immediately banned for a first offense, so if you witness similar names in the future please take screenshots and send another report. Have a great day.

Thank you for playing Corum Online!
Corum GM Team
Gala-Net Inc.

Customer Service:
when emailing, please include your account name, character name, and server.

Wed 3/04/09 6:09 PM
Hello User,

Thank you for your e-mail, we appreciate your patience. Can you please direct us to the images that contain your trade agreement and the trade itself? We appreciate your diligence with taking screenshots, but when you send that many at once it becomes very difficult for us to investigate your report in a timely manner. Feel free to either tell us the names of the pertinent screenshots or to reattach tem to your reply. Thanks in advance.

Thank you for playing Corum Online!
Corum GM Team
Gala-Net Inc.

Customer Service:
when emailing, please include your account name, character name, and server.

From: Kevin ***** (
Wed 3/04/09 7:59 PM
Here are the main screenshots. I apologize for sending so many; I just wanted to make sure all the evidence was covered. I tried to send every possible thing that could help get to the bottom of everything. The shots I am attaching are only the ones I felt most important. The rest I had attached before have the full conversations including conversations with the members of dragon that were trying to help me. Excellence was not attempting to steal the guardian but only get it off the streets so that no other individuals got involved. He currently possesses the guardian and only intends to return it to the rightful owner. I have sent the full report in previous emails, if you would like me to resend these text files as one email I will gladly do so.

Thank you

From: Kevin ***** (
Fri 3/06/09 3:36 PM
I just wanted to see how the investigation is going. If you need anything from me just let me know.
-Regenc (Hakk (like a sword hacking btw, hence the fighter))

From: Kevin ***** (
Mon 3/09/09 10:35 PM
I want to report that ElfenLied had contacted me yesterday. I am not sure if it was really him. I do not know who to trust at the moment. I noticed him complaining on public chat about his stuff being hacked. I pmed him telling him how I believed my ballah was hacked and that none of the staff had contacted me about what was going on. Talking some more he said he had managed to get a hold of a gm in game. The GM told him that suspected accounts had hacked him. I then asked him to check with the staff member to see about my Ballah. He told me that Hakkpriest had hacked it and upon investigation it would be returned. I don’t know how long it could take and I apologize if I am harassing, but any reply is better than none and everyone hates the silent treatment kind of thing. My main concern though is if he was also hacked that the hacker was giving me false information. He told me his password and user name saying he had told the GM that he had given me the account to look after. This seemed suspicious since it is against the rules to give away your password, but he did tell me that the GM had said it was okay. I would really like some closure here. I am very close to accepting my guardian back from Excellence and continuing playing the game since it is taking so long. I have been a GM myself in Ultima Online and I know the basic GM rules that most abide by. I am also very familiar with the way game activity is logged into the server database and at least with UO I was able to very easily figure out what was going on in the game itself. The only thing stopping me from accepting the guardian back is that I do not know what your staff at Gpotato will allow me to do without breaking the terms of service, which, by the way, I had accepted four years ago before guardian rules were changed and I don't remember re-accepting new terms. I did not read anywhere saying that the original terms were subject to change, this could be an issue for older players. If you could tell me that you actually believe that my guardian was stolen, who I can trust at the moment, any information would be great.


Mon 3/09/09 11:06 PM (Forward Of Mon 3/09/09 10:35 PM)
Subject: Stolen Guardian (Hello?)
Date: Mon, 9 Mar 2009 22:35:31 -0400

I want to report that ElfenLied had contacted me yesterday. I am not sure if it was really him. I do not know who to trust at the moment. I noticed him complaining on public chat about his stuff being hacked. I pmed him telling him how I believed my ballah was hacked and that none of the staff had contacted me about what was going on. Talking some more he said he had managed to get a hold of a gm in game. The GM told him that suspected accounts had hacked him. I then asked him to check with the staff member to see about my Ballah. He told me that Hakkpriest had hacked it and upon investigation it would be returned. I don’t know how long it could take and I apologize if I am harassing, but any reply is better than none and everyone hates the silent treatment kind of thing. My main concern though is if he was also hacked that the hacker was giving me false information. He told me his password and user name saying he had told the GM that he had given me the account to look after. This seemed suspicious since it is against the rules to give away your password, but he did tell me that the GM had said it was okay. I would really like some closure here. I am very close to accepting my guardian back from Excellence and continuing playing the game since it is taking so long. I have been a GM myself in Ultima Online and I know the basic GM rules that most abide by. I am also very familiar with the way game activity is logged into the server database and at least with UO I was able to very easily figure out what was going on in the game itself. The only thing stopping me from accepting the guardian back is that I do not know what your staff at Gpotato will allow me to do without breaking the terms of service, which, by the way, I had accepted four years ago before guardian rules were changed and I don't remember re-accepting new terms. I did not read anywhere saying that the original terms were subject to change, this could be an issue for older players. If you could tell me that you actually believe that my guardian was stolen, who I can trust at the moment, any information would be great.



With this forward I want to retract my statement about the terms of service, I have read and understand that it does not matter when you accept the terms.

Tue 3/10/09 1:12 PM
Hello User,

Thank you for your patience. This account appears to have been shared over the past month; we have IP logs of this player accessing your account as far back as a month ago. We will not be able to take any action in the event that your account has been shared, do you have any further input regarding this issue?

Thank you for playing Corum Online!
Corum GM Team
Gala-Net Inc.

Customer Service:
when emailing, please include your account name, character name, and server.

From: Kevin ***** (
Tue 3/10/09 2:43 PM
No and I agree, now that I have read the new terms of service I apologize for being so persistent. I will not share from here on out. If items are taken again after I have changed my password (I have) and no users are logged in under the same ip from now on will I be accused of account sharing.

If I may suggest. Players should be able to enter into a binding agreement to be able to play at other people’s houses just for these situations. For example, I have known Brandon (Bigeefry) since middle school. We're both seniors now and we go to the same school. When we hang out at each other’s houses and since we both have multiple computers we like to play Corum at each other’s house. We should be able to be under the same ip and agree to never disclose the others information to other players. Maybe give a joint security question that only the other may know or explicit access to only that joint account from the two ips under the agreement.


From: Kevin ***** (
Tue 3/10/09 10:08 PM
I want to take back the fact that I am done with this issue as I stated previously. After further consideration I have realized how much of a loss this guardian is to me and I don't think that you have treated my case fairly. I had another thought about the situation. I strongly believe that the guardian was hacked from the account and I believe my evidence is indisputable. The fact that my friend and I have been to each other’s houses in your records should, as you state in your terms, not be a violation of service that will cause termination and I understand this. I also failed to see a statement that clearly says the staff will not help in matters of what you call account sharing. In fact I found nothing that said "account sharing". On top of this I believe the person who acquired the stolen guardian has found a loop hole that you are just letting him exploit. In all cases there has been some form of "account sharing" and they will not be dealt with. In the cases I have seen the individuals were long time friends in real life or in Masas case family members! If you are able to look at the ips in which the account was logged onto I am 100% sure you will see a long history of only our ips login onto only our accounts. If this does not confirm that I am telling the truth that no other people could know the information, consider this. The guardian was stolen from the account within a three day period! I guarantee if you review the log history from the 19th to the 25th you will see only two ips. One of which is mine from before I left on a trip that weekend, mine again after I logged back on when Brandon called me about seeing the guardian on the hackers account. The other ip between those days will be the hacker’s ip it will not be either of our accounts from previous logs. If this does not convince you and make you return the guardian you can be sure to lose one of your best customers. I have spent over $1000 dollars on the game and it is ridiculous that you cannot handle this simple request. Return my guardian and the life it lost from the date of the 25th and I will continue to use your business knowing that my assets are safe. However if nothing is done I cannot trust that you will take care of issues fairly and you have lost this customer. I am reporting the situation to the Better Business Bureau. I understand that you may need help with a new business and hopefully they can show you that some of your better customers should be handled better and that decisions should be dealt with more carefully. I suggest you invest in some better securities for your players.

Wed 3/11/09 3:03 PM
Hello USer,

We must keep this policy to avoid the appearance of favoritism or giving players an unfair advantage. Allowing restoration for this could lead to players to potentially abusing the system. This policy is non-debatable. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding and continued support. In the future, if you share an account please refer to the following topic for information ensuring the safety of your account.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Thank you for playing Corum Online!
Corum GM Team
Gala-Net Inc.

Customer Service:
When emailing, please include your account name, character name, and server.

From: Kevin ***** (
Wed 3/11/09 4:03 PM
I am no longer going to support if you will not look further into the situation. It had nothing to do with account sharing or favoritism. The fact is I am a well paying customer and simple buisness etiquette would be to honor my request. Your link is not a viable resource that shows me the terms. It is simply listed under rules on a forum for discussion about a game. I am referring to your terms of service. I fail to understand or see where these rules are outlined. I also fail to see specific evidence that shows someone obtained the guardian due to account sharing. Just because my friend has been to my house does not in anyone show the reason it was stolen. I want to know who I am talking to I feel there is a lack of management in your corporation and organization.

Wed 3/11/09 5:21 PM
Hello User,

There is no IP connecting from your account besides your own and Bigeefry on March 1. In addition to this, we have a log of you trading this item to Queen and then from Queen to Bigeefry. We are sorry but if you claim to have no involvement in this trade and you claim that you do not share your account information then you must not be telling the truth. We believe that you do in fact share your account based on this evidence, and it appears that your friend would be the only suspect in this incident. As previously stated account sharing is not allowed, neither is submitting false reports. Please consider these facts; we cannot assist you with this issue.

Thank you for playing Corum Online!
Corum GM Team
Gala-Net Inc.

Customer Service:
When emailing, please include your account name, character name, and server.

From: Kevin ***** (
Wed 3/11/09 6:12 PM
This isn't the reason you gave in the beginning and I would like you to prove this. If you could send me a copy of the logs including the logs of the alleged trades with queen that would be fine but you still have not proved anything here. March 1st is no were near the time of the hack. I need you to look at your logs between the dates of February 19th to the 25th as I explained in my email previously. Please be more consistent with your answers. Also I noticed you failed to answer my question about account sharing after a password change. Also, if Bigeefry were involved then you would surely be able to show me your information about him trading it from his account to another account and then selling it. The account would specifically be related to Hakkpriest as my screenshots show! And on top of this the other screenshots of the players alternate character shops. If Bigeefry has traded queen then how does this show that the guardian was not hacked?

From: Kevin ***** (
Wed 3/11/09 6:48 PM
Why would my friend be the only suspect! The guardian was clearly sold to mitsuomi for 300mil from a character that has no relationship to be and I sent you screenshots of his possesion of the guardian. If it was sold to him from Bigeefry you would see that Bigeefry gained something. If you were to look at his inventory you would see no gain here. It doesn’t make any sense for him to do something like that. He has no reason to steal the guardian he is my friend and I would let him use it for training if he pleased. The guardian is my possession in the game and I can do with it as I wish. I will gain nothing for trading the guardian away. Bigeefry would gain nothing for trading the guardian away. It would be a major loss to both of us. What you’re claiming is that we attacked our selves. If it were a house we owned what reason would we have to give away our own home!

From: Kevin ***** (
Wed 3/11/09 7:12 PM
Also. What happens if someone is logged into multiple accounts at an institution? For example when I go to college next year I will use the campus Wi-Fi connection. If someone else or a friend is playing Corum then they would be under the same ip. Is this account sharing?!

Wed 3/11/09 7:29 PM
Hello User,

Please read the details of our previous e-mail. We made it very clear as to why we cannot assist you. This matter is not up for discussion.

Thank you for playing Corum Online!
Corum GM Team
Gala-Net Inc.

Customer Service:
When emailing, please include your account name, character name, and server.

Wed 3/11/09 8:06 PM
Hello User,

Your account was logged in from an IP shared by your account and Bigeefry at around the same time that you claim this incident happened. Your guardian was traded to the character Queen and then to Bigeefry. From Bigeefry it was traded to Hakkpriest. If you have no knowledge of this trade taking place then the only person who could have taken this item is your friend. I apologize if this is something that you do not want to hear, however we are not required to present you with evidence, as we make decisions based on evidence found during our investigation. This matter is not up for discussion. Please note that if you continue to press this issue we may be forced to ban you for abuse of the support system.

Thank you for playing Corum Online!
Corum GM Team
Gala-Net Inc.

Customer Service:
When emailing, please include your account name, character name, and server.

From: Kevin ***** (
Sun 3/22/09 8:48 PM
I understand I have been a pain and that you want to ban me for being such a nuisance about the guardian. I have attached a screenshot of my security software. When I bought the software a couple of weeks ago and ran a scan. I encountered Trojan virus on my system. I don’t know if it will sway your decision, but I had read in your terms that you would return lost things if a user were able to prove that they were victimized by identity theft. I know that this doesn't have to do with billing but I believe it may be similar. I will not fight anymore after this. I figured it couldn’t hurt to show it. I also can take a picture of my friend and me in front of our computers but I don’t see how it would make a difference so this is all I am attaching.

From: Kevin ***** (
Tue 3/24/09 11:07 PM
Um...Did you guys ban me?

Wed 3/25/09 12:32 PM
Hello User,

Thank you for your inquiry. The account biggie12 does not appear to have any bans. Have a great day.

Thank you for playing Corum Online!
Corum GM Team
Gala-Net Inc.

Customer Service:
When emailing, please include your account name, character name, and server.

From: Kevin ***** (
Wed 3/25/09 2:18 PM
I’m sorry for not specifying...Bigeefry has my email on his account. We are friends. I am referring to the account of Regenc email I could not log in last night (March 24).

Wed 3/25/09 2:50 PM
Hello User,

This account is not banned either. There may be an error with our database, we are currently looking into this issue. Have a great day.

Thank you for playing Corum Online!
Corum GM Team
Gala-Net Inc.

Customer Service:
when emailing, please include your account name, character name, and server.

From: Kevin ***** (
Thu 3/26/09 4:35 PM
I hope so.

That was the last email I received from them.

Here is some other stuff I found
2635 North 1st Street
suite 144
san jose, California 95134
United States

Domain Name: GPOTATO.COM
Created on: 22-Aug-05
Expires on: 22-Aug-12
Last Updated on: 12-Jan-09

Administrative Contact:
Jung, Jikhan
2635 North 1st Street
suite 144
san jose, California 95134
United States
(408) 646-9806 Fax -- (408) 324-1755

Technical Contact:
Yoon, Seung
Gala-Net, Inc
995 Stewart Dr.
Suite 200
Sunnyvale, California 94085
United States
4089907808 Fax -- 4087327321

Domain servers in listed order:
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