Jon P.'s review of Enagic USA, Inc.

Enagic USA, Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 12/7/2010
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Review 12/7/2010
My name is Jon and my wife Erica and I have been involved in health and wellness products for over 10 yrs. so when our local plumber came to our house to replace our water heater and said it was from all the calcium build up and just plain poor water quality in Red Wing we knew it was time to find a solution. We had been buying gallons of bottled water every week for over 2 yrs already because of the toxic chlorine we could smell when cooking or bathing.(15 gallons a week - family of 6). Erica was at a local vender expo and meet an Enagic rep who had quarts of alkalized 8.5-9-9.5ph water, she gave Erica the 9.5 not realizing it on accident. I started drinking the water knowing the benefits of alkalinity vs, acidity, and immediatly felt like someone plugged me into an electrical outlet from all the energy I had. By 11PM I was indestructible and so full of energy I could not get to sleep until 2:30am.The next morning I had an enormous hangover. The 9.5 literally flushed all the built up toxins in my system into my blood stream. Instant hangover affect the next morning. I really didn't feel good at all until I had another glass of the 8.5 water. This is why we start you on the 8.5 and gradually move you up to the 9.5.Needless to say we bought our machine and have been drinking it ever since. I know longer get heartburn and when I went 3 days drinking tap water my heart burn returned immediately. The very next day I went back to Kangen water and it went right away. Drink to your Health!
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